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St. Paul's Church of England Primary School

St. Paul's Church of England Primary School

Contact Us

If you would like to contact the school for any information, you can use the following contact details:

St. Paul's Church of England Primary School

School Lane,
Swanley Village,
Kent  BR8 7PJ

Telephone: 01322 664324
Executive Headteacher: Mr Ben Hulme
Head of School: Mr James Johnson

Open Time: The school is open to pupils between 8.45am and 3.15pm

Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinators: Miss Bronwen Craft - 

For all general enquires please contact: Mrs Sonia Doherty -

Chair of Governors: Mr David Strachan -

Clerk to Governors: Mrs Carol Thomas 

Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr Ben Hulme,  Mr James Johnson, Mr Luke Dickens, Miss Craft

If you would like a paper copy of any documents online, please contact the school office. Any documents required will be printed free of charge.

Report an absence or illness

Please telephone the school office:
01322 664324 as soon as possible to report your child's absence.
On return to school we will need a letter recording the reason why your child was absent. Our School Liaison Officer, from Kent County Council, will be following up referrals and persistent absences.

Make an appointment with the Executive Headteacher or Head of School

If you would like to make an appointment to meet with either Mr Hulme or Mr Johnson please speak to, telephone or email the office so an appointment can be arranged. However, they are both more than happy, providing other commitments don't prevent this, to meet with parents at the beginning or end of the school day.

Make an appointment with your child's teacher

If you would like to make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher, please speak to them directly to arrange this. If you are unable to come into school to arrange an appointment please telephone the school or email us on: Arrangements will be made for your child's class teacher to contact you to make an appointment.

Safeguarding Concerns

Mr Hulme, Mr Johnson,  Miss Craft and Mr Dickens are Designated Child Protection Officers. Please speak to them if you have any concerns regarding a family or child.