Meet Rev. Johnny and the Church
St Paul's, located in Swanley Village, is a beautiful mid-nineteenth-century Victorian church set in the grounds of the picturesque glebe. It’s a wonderful setting and makes for generations of connections through baptisms, weddings and funerals. St Paul's has a more traditional feel, offering a place of quiet, contemplative, and prayerful reflection.
The Church is a part of the Church of England, and a glad part of New Wine in conviction and culture. Locally, our vicar, with our two churchwardens and the PCC, seeks God and settles on the shape and substance of our life together. We’re a collaborative, fun-sharing, Jesus-pursuing, Holy Spirit-fuelled bunch! Our small staff team includes a mix of paid & key volunteer leadership, sharing and serving with many others in the goodness of God in this part of NW Kent. Many parts, one body.
Sunday life is always life-giving and joyful. Come share in worship and growth in God together. You are so very welcome to join us. We aim to contribute well to the kingdom of God by resourcing and equipping all to follow Jesus.
08.30 at St Paul’s, Swanley Village. A simple, prayerful, spoken communion service.
10.30 at St Peter’s, Hextable. Informal Sunday celebration, led by a worship band, with teaching and separate children's and youth provision. Refreshments are served before.
18.30 every first Sunday of the month at St Peter’s, Hextable, hosts our Overflow Celebration. A lively and relaxed gathering where people from the surrounding churches join us for worship, teaching, renewal and ministry, where we seek to pursue more of the presence of God. Refreshments are served from 1800.
11.30 every first Wednesday of the month at St Paul’s, Swanley Village is a pared-back communion service with teaching and organ-led hymn singing.